Country Heaven Read online

Page 5

  I’m so excited but then get a little sad. “I’d still like to do some of the other chores, sometimes. I’d miss seeing ole Bessie, I think she’d miss me,” I smirk. “And I’d still like to learn to ride.”

  He looks up from his plate and gives me a genuine smile. “That’s no issue. You take care of the other chores with the animals when you feel like it and I’ll teach you how to ride when you’re ready.”

  We both sit there and look into each other’s eyes. My heart skips a beat, and I get butterflies in the pit of my stomach. “I’d like that,” I whisper. I shake my head again hoping that didn’t come out as breathless as I feel and look down, quickly, and start eating again.

  Lunch ended up being one of the best and most laid back meals since I’ve been here. I helped clean up after and Mable said she was gonna go clean the upstairs. She asked if I’d gather up the laundry from the other house, after I’m done cleaning the kitchen. I know I have several things that need washing. I put the last dish in the washer, added soap, and closed the door to start it. When I turn around, I hit something, hard. “Omph!” I look up as I feel a firm grip on my upper arms and meet the dark eyes of Jag.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to sneak up on you. I just brought in a dish that was left on the table and wanted to say ‘Hi’.” His voice vibrates straight down me and right where the lack of attention has become extreme. “Here let me.” He picks up the dish he must have set on the counter when I ran into him and opens the dishwasher placing it inside, and then shuts the door. He turns around and gives me a smile, and I swear I’m about to combust. “Gotta go get started working. Nice to meet you, Sadie.” I never utter a word as I watch him walk out of the kitchen. I lean back against the kitchen counter trying to steady myself as well as my heart, and sigh.

  I finish cleaning the kitchen, wiping down the counters, the sink and stove, and then I wipe down the table in the dining room. After that, I walk over to the other house, pick up the living room, dust, and clean the small kitchen area, which wasn’t really that dirty. I knock on each bedroom door, enter slowly and gather up all the laundry from the hampers. When I get to the last room down the hallway, I knock and open the door. I’m amazed at what I see. Of course, I knew there wouldn’t be any laundry yet so I wasn’t surprised to find the hamper empty but Jag had already put posters on the walls, a variety of rock and roll bands. A laptop sits on the desk, already plugged in, and all of his clothes put away. Hmmm, maybe he’s a neat freak. I leave his room and walk back down the hallway, picking up the laundry bag full of dirty clothes as I go.

  Once I’m back over at the main house, I head to the laundry room and fill the washer. After setting it up and starting it, I turn around and am not sure what to do next. I decide to walk out the back door and go to the barn to check on Bessie. She and I have a love/hate relationship, but I think I might be winning her over. I close the back door, walk across the deck and down the stairs. It’s not a far walk, by any means, and as I start to get closer, Jag walks around the construction walls on the side of the barn, looks at me, and proceeds to remove his shirt. Shit! I stop when he uses it to wipe his brow, the muscles in his arms flexing with his movements. I get a good view of his tattoos. They’re up his arms, across his broad chest and notice a piercing in each nipple. He looks at me and smiles. I begin walking again but faster until I’ve reached the safety inside the barn.

  I lean against the wall next to the doors, breathing heavy, and I know it’s not just from the brisk walk. My body aches, and I wish I had at least brought my favorite toy. My vibrator. Dammit! My breathing finally slows and I walk through the barn, out the back door, and to the cow pasture. I stand up on the last rung of the wooden fence and just watch the cows grazing as a breeze blows my hair from my face. Bessie looks up, gives me her annoyed face and then goes back to eating grass. Yeah, she loves me.

  “Seems you haven’t quite won her over yet.” I turn my head as Memphis walks up, putting his boot on the last rung beside me and folds his arms over the fence.

  I look back out at Bessie, who’s clearly ignoring me. “Yeah, well. At least she hasn’t kicked me lately, that’s more than I can hope for right now.” His chuckle is deep and his smile is breathtaking, showing his straight white teeth. “She’ll come around, one day, and we’ll be the best of friends.”

  His smile continues and it hits me right in my stomach, traveling down between my legs. “Wanna go meet a friend of mine? Names Clancy. He was my pa’s horse. He’d be a good one to get you started on. He’s old.”

  “Ha!” A laugh bursts from me, and I couldn’t stop it. “Thanks for the encouragement and faith.” I smirk but then it turns into a smile.

  “Don’t mention it. Come on, daylight’s a wastin’.” He pushes off the fence and starts to walk along the outside of the barn. I can’t tear my eyes away from him, his strong and assured walk, his fine bottom swaying in those jeans that fit so well, and that damn black cowboy hat that sits over his very short dark hair. My hands itch to rub over that short hair, taste those perfect lips and rub my face against his facial hair that looks really soft. Okay, stop it! This may end up being a very long afternoon.

  Chapter Five


  When I walk through the barn, I had to stop and do a double take. Suddenly, my black shirt felt hot and sweaty, so I unbutton it, letting some of the cross breeze from the front and back doors hit my damp skin. I look out the opened back door and can’t take my eyes off Sadie. Her feet on the last fence rung, leaning against it, her cute tight bottom sticking out just a bit and her long brown hair blowin’ in the breeze, hittin’ almost to the small of her back. Damn, I need to get laid. However, that’s just not me. I’m not one to go out and just have meaningless sex. I button my shirt back up and walk through the barn and out the door. She doesn’t startle when I place my boot on the last rung and hang my hands over the top. She seems pretty taken with Bessie and thinks she hates her but what she doesn’t know is Bessie wouldn’t even look at her if she didn’t like her. I’ll just keep that to myself, for now.

  “How ‘bout we head over and meet Clancy,” I say still lookin’ out at Bessie. She nods. I take a step back and then turn, walkin’ towards the horse pasture. I hear her footsteps behind me then she’s beside me and smiles when I look down at her. Man, she has the prettiest face. Slim nose, green eyes that shimmer in the sunlight, making them look even lighter. Her full lips call to me so I look away quickly. My feelin’s are all over the place when I look at her, smell her. Feel her presence. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Should I be feelin’ this way about a girl I’m supposed to be helpin’? What if it’s just that I’m lonely? What if it doesn’t mean what I hope it means? Long for it to mean.

  We reach the gate and I open it open, closing it after she walks through. “How are you gonna teach me to ride when he doesn’t even have a saddle on?” She looks up at me, her eyes squinting from the sun and her nose is scrunched up. Seriously, sexy.

  “I figure today, you just get to know each other. Clancy’s pretty mild mannered but he’s missin’ Pa somethin’ fierce so I think some attention will help him out.” She follows beside me as I walk over to Clancy. He’s by his favorite tree and raises his head as we get closer. “Whoa, boy.” I walk up, rub his nose and he snorts at me. I dig in my pocket, take out the apple I brought and my pocket knife. After cutting it up in pieces, I hold a piece out in the palm of my hand. “He has a thing about apples,” I tell her as he munches. “Doc Winn says not to give him too many or they’ll upset his stomach but I like to give him a treat every now and then.”

  I feel her walk up beside me slowly, her fragrance hitting my senses. “He seems to really love them.” I look over at her, looking at the sweet expression on her face. The look of curiosity and maybe apprehension. I remember feelin’ that way when I was young and everything was so new to me.

  “Here.” I grasp her wrist to give her a piece. Her eyes snap up at me, her lips part, as I turn her hand over, pl
acing the piece in her palm. Sensations travel through me at the touch. Something I’ve never felt before. I can feel her speeding pulse, her wrist small in my big hand. “Uh….” I have to clear my throat after feelin’ the softness of her skin. “Just hold it up and he’ll eat it right from your hand.” Her eyes widen. “He’ll be your friend for life,” I chuckle. “Trust me?” I whisper.

  She takes a small step, raising her hand out. I release her wrist and watch her eyes light up. He seems hesitant then sniffs around her hand until finally he nibbles the piece and finally eats it. “It tickles.” She laughs. Shit, her laugh is as beautiful as she is. I watch her nose scrunch up, her eyes sparkle and her smile widens.

  “The animals seem taken with you.” She smiles, wipes her hand on her jeans, and pats his nose again.

  “Ha. Not sure about that. Never even had a dog or cat.” I’m sure she doesn’t need me feelin’ sorry for her but that saddens me.

  I let her feed him the rest of the pieces. She ends up relaxin’ a bit, bringing up her other hand up and patting his nose as he eats. She seems to have a way with animals, probably not realizin’ it. She has a softness to her, delicate. I like that. I walk over to Pa’s tree, take off my shirt that’s damp from the heat and throw it on the ground. I hear her quiet gasp, and then she walks over and sits down on the grass in front of me, playing with a blade of grass. She crosses her legs and stares up at me.

  “I saw your parent’s graves.” I look down quickly, my heart beating fast. “I wasn’t snooping. Okay, I kind of was. I saw the area when I went to pick berries. It’s so serene there, peaceful.” I look up and over at the area she speaks of, my heart now feelin’ a little heavy. “I’m sorry. I guess I should feel lucky that I still have my dad but I don’t. Not really.”

  I look down at her and frown. “Why? Because he’s not around? Too strict?” I ask, really wanting to know. God, I want to know everything.

  “Yes, no, I dunno. He is never around and no, he’s not really strict.” She looks past the tree and stares. “He just never has shown me any love. He just gives me money and whatever else I want. I’m sure that’s his way but…. I felt Mom’s love, her strength and affection. Dad just isn’t that way, never has been. I guess he really wanted a boy.” She looks back over at me, her eyes sad. “I overheard him telling Mom that once.” She looks down at the piece of grass in her hand. “I miss her.”

  I sit down on the grass and lean back against the tree, feelin’ the rough bark against my back. “Yeah, I guess that would be hard, especially for a girl, needin’ their mom. I miss mine too and Pa. I was fortunate to grow up in a loving family. Pa doing his best after Ma passed. Oh, I got my ass beat by his belt a couple of times. I was a little wild in high school but….” Her eyes soften, and she laughs. “I came around, am a better man for it, I guess.” I look around at the breathtaking view of the green grass, the horses spread out in the pasture and over at my house. “He showed me the beauty of God’s land, how to work hard and to be thankful of what we have.” I look back at her and smile.

  She pulls out a few blades of grass, looking down and then back up into my eyes. “And the tattoos? Didn’t know country folk got those.” Her mouth turns into a smile, and I can’t help but smile too.

  I chuckle lookin’ at my arm and then back at her. “Yeah, well, like I said. I was a little wild in high school and there’s nothing wrong with some body art. Some of the best guys I know own the tattoo shop in town.” I remember when I got the first one on my right arm. Shit it hurt but I was determined to have it. When I got the Tribal chest piece, it took a couple of long visits and wasn’t too bad until he did the part around my nipple. Damn, that was a tender spot.

  Clancy lets out a loud snort, takin’ me out of my memories, and walks across the pasture, heading towards the gate. “Well, um….” I clear my throat again reachin’ for my shirt and putting it back on as I stand. “I guess I outta go saddle him up. He’s tellin’ me he’s itchin’ for a ride.”

  I walk to her, hold out my hand, and am a bit surprised when she places hers in mine, smilin’ up at me. I help her up and try not to look as she brushes off her bottom. Suddenly, I wish I was the one helpin’ her with that. We walk back in silence, and once we reach the gate, I keep it open for Clancy to walk through and then Sadie. I watch as Clancy heads for the barn, and I start to walk but she stops me by turnin’ around in front of me. She walks backwards and smiles.

  “Thanks for the um, lesson, kind of. I think I’ll go back to the house and see what I can help Mable with.” She plays with some strands of hair in front of her chest. Her smile takes my breath away, causin’ my heart to pound in my chest. I watch her turn around and can’t take my eyes off her as she walks back to the house. Beautiful view.

  I head to the barn to look at the new construction. It’s really coming along. Can’t wait until it’s finished and can extend the horses stalls on that side.

  “Best to leave that young thing alone, Jag.” I hear Dallis’ voice as I get closer.

  “I think she’s old enough to make up her own mind, don’t you? Don’t think you’re her dad.” My anger rises and I’m about to say somethin’ when Dallis speaks up again.

  “Look, son. She’s here, same as you, trying to get some stuff worked out so don’t be gettin’ any ideas. You’re here to work, nothin’ else,” Dallis growls.

  I see Dallis sneer at him and then Jag’s head turns my way as I walk passed them. I lower my brows, and I’m sure the look on my face is tellin’ him just what I think. He looks away quickly and starts hammering a nail into a board. It’s not in my nature to pick a fight, but I’ll be damned if he goes after her. I’ll have no problem beatin’ a little sense into him, if I have to. My emotions soar. Am I mad because he obviously wants her? I can tell he only wants her for sex, doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy wantin’ a long term relationship. Or, am I mad because I’m jealous, wanting her for myself? I do want a relationship. I’m not a sex only man, not a one night stand. Never been that way. Okay, maybe when I was a lot younger, but not now. I want what Ma and Pa had. A strong love. The kind that lasts forever.

  I end up riding Clancy for over an hour, stoppin’ at the creek beyond Pa’s tree. I ride him around the pasture, helpin’ to get all the horses back into the barn. The sun is fadin’ in the west by the time I’ve removed his saddle and given his coat a good brushin’. I check his water trough and add some more hay into his feeder then shut his stall door behind me and head back to the house. I need to go take a shower before supper.


  I feel antsy at the table during dinner. My head spins as we eat when I look at Memphis and Jag. Both are freaking hot but Memphis just does something to me. There’s just something about him. He’s country, yeah, but he’s respectful, charming, a gentleman. I helped clean up after everyone is done then brought out the blueberry pie that I helped make as Mable brought out the strawberry one. I got all kinds of compliments on them, and I have to admit, the blueberry pie with ice cream was heavenly. I can’t believe I actually made that. Okay, with help but still. The feelings of accomplishment sweep through me and pride? I never thought just by doing something so small would make me feel this way.

  Once I was done helping clean up the kitchen and table, I said my goodnights and left the main house. I am in need of a soak in the bath and just want to think about everything that happened today. I take a nice long bath with the lilac salts and almost fell asleep. Once I finally dried off and got my long t-shirt on, I crawled into bed. My eyes close and Memphis’ face visualizes. A faint knock sounds on my door and my eyes snap open. Who in the hell? Pushing the covers back, I get out of bed and walk over to the door, unlock it and open it slowly.

  “You awake?” Jag asks, still dressed and smiling.

  “I am now,” I grumble. “You’re not supposed to be up here.”

  His grin grows into one that looks evil then back again. “I know. I just wanted to talk. Get to know each other.” Now? I look over
at the alarm clock and then back at him, raising my eyebrow. “It’s not late, it’s only nine o’clock. C’mon, just for a little bit?” Against my better judgment, which hasn’t been that great anyway, I open the door wider and his smile is huge as he walks in. I shut the door, flip on the light, and walk over to the bed, sitting down on the edge. He walks over and pulls out the desk chair, turning it around and leans his arms on the top as he sits. What is he up to? This doesn’t feel right.

  “So, what’s so important that I’m missing my valuable sleep for? Guess you don’t know how early we get up around here.” I yawn.

  His eyes travel from mine down my body and I get a chill as they roam back up. “We just haven’t gotten to talk much. The big guy has this thing about me staying away from you.” He licks his lips as his eyes continue to stare at my chest. “Now. Why do you suppose that is?”

  I hold out two fingers, point them at his eyes and then to mine. “My eyes are right here, buddy.” He laughs and looks me straight in the eyes. “My guess? I’m the only girl around here for about a hundred miles or so, except for Mable. She’s pretty hot though, if you ask me.”

  “Yes, Mable is quite the looker but she’s a little old for me.” A laugh bursts from me. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so tired or if that was really funny. “Seriously though. What’s your story? Why are you here?”

  “Wow! Why don’t you get right to the point? Kinda personal, don’t you think?” He shrugs his shoulder, his smile still plastered on his face. I lean back, placing my hands on the mattress behind me and yawn. “Oh, you know. Same story, different day. Daddy’s too busy for me. I get bored and go out and have fun, too much fun. Lands me in jail, a second time, and Daddy blew up, sent me here for punishment. What about you?”