Country Heaven Read online

Page 6

  He rests his chin on his arms. “Well, I’ve had my fair share of the law. Now, I’m just trying to keep straight, have a better life. I saw this ad in the paper and thought, hmmmm, maybe the country needs some Jag Roland in its life and here I am.” Cocky to be sure. Just the kind of guy I would normally fall for.

  “Well, I’m sure the country will never be the same again.” I laugh.

  He sits up and looks around my room. When he turns his head and looks back at me, he frowns. “No computer?”

  I sigh. Why did he have to remind me? “No. Mine was taken away along with my cell phone before I got shipped here. I guess Daddy thought I shouldn’t have any communication with my friends during my punishment.” My heart stops, sadness hitting me. My friends. I wonder what they’re doing. What happened after I got shipped off? Do they even think about me?

  The corner of his mouth turns up. “Wait here!” He bolts from the chair and out my door. Where in the hell would I go? Way to be quiet, Jag. I sit back up and am about to get up to close the door, thinking he’s gone to bed, when he runs back in, closing the door behind him and sets his laptop on my desk. “Here. Feel free to use mine.” I watch him boot it up, and my heart soars when it comes to life.

  “I dunno. I don’t wanna get in trouble.” Damn! I really would love to catch up with Tina. She’s been my best friend since I was little. I’d love to find out what happened to the rest of the gang after the party that got us all in trouble.

  He turns to me and smiles. Does he ever not smile? “Aw, c’mon. Who’s gonna know?” True, but with my luck, someone will find out. “Just get on for a little bit then I’ll take it back to my room. Don’t you miss the life back home? Just a little?”

  I bite my lip. Should I? It couldn’t hurt just to be on there for a few minutes, could it? I look up at him. He’s standing there giving me a sexy look, watching me bite my lip. Dammit! I stand up and walk over, sitting down in the chair and pull up the internet. Oh, my God! The internet. How I’ve missed you! I type in my email link and pull it up, log in, and quickly run down my inbox. I start reading, my heart racing, as I catch up on news. David went to jail too and wasn’t as fortunate as me. Apparently, he’s still in there. Serves him right. He’s an asshole. Twyla went too but got out and is having to do public service for a few months. That’s not too bad, at least she’s at home. I pull up an email from Tina and reply explaining that I have no computer and no way to communicate but give her the address here and tell her to write me. Yeah, I know. No one actually writes a letter anymore, but she’ll have to suck it up. My eyes well up when I read how she misses me.

  By the time I get through eighty emails, I turn my head and look at the clock. Holy Shit! It’s almost midnight! I turn back and log out then turn off the computer. When I turn and stand, I see Jag is sound asleep, laying crossway’s on my bed. Oh, no! I rub my eyes, feeling a headache coming on, and walk over to the bed and look down at him. He really is sexy. God, I’m so horny. I would probably think Batman was sexy right now. Okay, he kinda is. Well, it depends on who plays him. Oh, my God! Get a grip, Sadie! I lean down and shake his arm. Damn, he’s definitely got some tight hard muscles. “Jag,” I whisper. Nothing. “Jag, you can’t stay here,” I whisper a little louder. Nothing. “JAG!” I yell, but not too loudly and shake his arm with both hands. Finally, he stirs.

  “Wha…. What?” His eyes open slowly and a grin lifts the corner of his mouth, reaching his arms around me, starting to pull me down on top of him. “Ah, baby. Come here.”

  “No!” I break free from his grasp and back away. He laughs.

  He sits up, rubbing his eyes, looking all hot with his hair tousled, looking like he just had amazing sex. Dammit! He stands, his legs a little shaky, and starts to walk to the door. I run over to the desk, grab his computer, and shove it in his arms. “Thanks for letting me use it, now go! Hurry!” He nods and slowly walks to the door. I open it and all but push him out.

  “Hey, take it easy, baby. There’s no fire here.” He grins and turns around once he’s in the hall, his eyes widen as I shut the door.

  I lock it then turn around, leaning against the door and let out a big breath. Shit! That was close. I yawn repeatedly, turn off the light and get into bed. I have no problem falling asleep.

  I roll over and hit the alarm clock, which I now set, and shut off the incessant beeping. Rubbing my eyes, I push the covers off and sit up on the side of the bed. Why in the fuck did I stay up so late? God, it was great to be able to get in touch with my friends. I miss them. But do I miss that life? There’s something about this place, the country, the hard work and slowness of it all. In the city, people are always rat racing, life goes by so fast. I sigh, rubbing my temples. I take a quick shower, do all my other bathroom business, and get dressed. I’m actually looking forward to cooking with Mable today, doing things that I’m finding I really enjoy. Okay, not so much the laundry. I unlock my door and run down the stairs.

  “Morning.” The sound of Jag’s voice makes my heart rate increase. He’s sitting down on the couch, drinking a cup of coffee, looking all kinds of sexy. “Mac and Dallis are already over at the house.”

  “I thought you’d still be asleep.” I laugh.

  His smile turns into his sexy grin. “I had quite a lot of sleep last night, thanks to your bed.” He winks and chills move down my spine. Definitely cocky, but I like that. “Come on,” he says as he stands, taking his cup into the kitchen. “I’ll walk over with you.” He walks back, opens the front door and swings his hand out, bowing. “After you.” I smile, curtsy, and walk out the door. I feel his hand on the small of my back as we walk over and speed up a little. He takes the hint and removes his hand. In the darkness, I can see the light frost on the grass and think about the berry bushes and frown. I though the frost wasn’t coming this soon.

  We walk into the main house, the smell of breakfast hits me hard. I’m starving, according to my growling stomach. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten this much in my life. We walk into the dining room, all eyes are on us as we sit down. I sit there, waiting for Memphis to say grace and smile. “Lord, we thank you again for the food you’ve provided. May the heavens shine down on those that need it today.” He looks up at me and stares, a look of indifference on his face, then looks back down. I shift in my seat. Does he know? “Amen.” Everyone starts filling their plates and I pick up my fork and spear a few sausage links. “Uh, I’m headin’ into town this morning. Do you need anything, Sadie? Would you like to go with me?” I look up and smile.

  “Yes. I’d like to pick up a few things, if that’s okay?” He looks at me and smiles. I feel a little better but still wonder if he knows about last night. How could he? We’re in different houses. Maybe I just feel… guilty?

  “Can I go? I’d really like to get a cowboy hat,” Jag speaks up.

  Memphis looks at Jag and his smile falters. “Yeah, I guess that’s okay. We’ll leave right after breakfast. I don’t want to be gone long. We have work to do.” Jag nods and digs into his food. Suddenly, I’ve lost my appetite. I was looking forward to spending more time with Memphis, alone. Memphis doesn’t seem real happy about it either.

  After cleaning up the dishes, I walk outside and take a deep breath of fresh air. That’s something I’m really enjoying after breathing in the city smog most of my life. It’s quiet here, except for the sounds of the animals, and the leaves in the trees when the wind blows. Sounds of nature. I’m finding I really love it. I look at Memphis’ truck and see that he and Jag are already in it. Jag’s in the back seat, so I open the front passenger door and step in, buckling up quickly. Memphis takes off, but he doesn’t seem very happy. The tension is thick all the way there. Memphis just turns the volume up on the radio, country music playing, and I look in the side mirror and see Jag cringe.

  He parks by the same store I shopped in last time and we get out of the truck. “Put whatever you need on my tab, Sadie.” He smiles. He looks at Jag, his face sad. “Do you need any money, Jag?�
�� I know he’s hoping Jag will say no.

  “Uh, no. But thanks!” Jag replies and I see Memphis physically relax.

  Memphis nods and then looks at me again. “I’ll be back. Gonna head over to the hardware store.” I smile and nod. He smiles back, making me feel a little better. That strange feeling in the pit of my stomach comes back again.

  “What’s got him all riled up?” Jag asks as he walks up beside me and we start walking towards the store.

  We get to the door and Jag opens it for me. “I dunno. He gets like that sometimes. Have you done or said something to him?” My eyebrows raise. I think it’s a fair question.

  “Not that I know of.” He tries to look innocent, but I get the feeling he’s faking it. I’m starting to think he fakes a lot of things.

  “Sadie!” My head snaps at Tilly. She’s leaning against the counter just like last time, smiling at me with her chin resting on her hands. Suddenly, she notices Jag and stands up straight, pulling on the hem of her shirt. “Well, who do we have here?”

  I laugh and walk over, Jag’s looking around and following behind me. “This is Jag. Just got here yesterday. Jag? This is Tilly.” He almost bumps into me not paying attention but stops and smiles at her.

  “Well, things just got a gazillion times better in Brewton. Hello, handsome.” Tilly’s almost drooling, I swear! “I don’t know what in the hell sent you here but thank you, God!”

  We talk about the party set up for Friday night. Jag seems really interested and tells me I can ride with him over there on his bike. I guess that makes sense since it’s a few miles up the road from the ranch. I’m a little nervous though. We’ll have to sneak out and then sneak back in again after. However, I’m ready to get some partying on! I miss it. I think.

  Chapter Six


  The night is a long one. Sleep doesn’t come to me. Why is it I’m so nervous about Jag being here? Is he a trouble maker or is it just my jealousy taking over? I roll over and sigh. Dammit! I can’t get her face, her body, her smell outta my head. I get up¸ throwing the covers back, put on my jeans and open the doors to my small balcony then sit down on the wooden bench. I look up at the stars, feeling the cool breeze move across my heated skin. It’s gonna be getting cold soon. September begins next week and being in a valley, it gets cold faster. I hear a noise and look over at Sadie’s balcony. She’s sittin’ in a chair, and as I squint in the darkness it appears she’s shivering.

  “Hey! Seein’ we’re both up, do you want to come on over?”

  She jumps a little at my voice. Her head turns to me, and I can barely see a smile on her lips in the moonlight. She nods, stands, and walks inside. I never lock the front door. We’re too far out for anyone to come here so I wait patiently. Okay, not very patiently. I walk inside and get a quilted blanket from my closet and return to my seat. It’s not long before I feel her presence, smell her delicate and unique smell. I look over as she sits down beside me, and I spread the blanket out over us. She puts her arms underneath, bringing it up below her chin as she turns her head to me, smiling.

  “This is nice. Gonna be hard to wake up in the morning though.” I can see her breath as she speaks and put my arm around her. She burrows against me, shivering. Her eyes look up at me from under those long lashes as I look down. “Thanks.”

  We sit there for a bit, starin’ into the darkness. I want to tell her how I feel but not sure where to start or if I even should. All of a sudden I’m nervous. I’ve never had a problem talking with women. Pa taught me to respect them, care for them, but this feels different somehow. I look back down at her and watch her eyes move slowly up to mine. “Sadie, I….” How do I tell her? This seems so fast but I can’t help how I feel. I cup her face, run my thumb over her cheek and she smiles, leaning into my touch. “I know this is soon. We don’t really know each other that well yet but….” I sigh. “This is harder than I thought. I just…. I know I probably shouldn’t have these feelin’s for you, but I can’t seem to stop them. I’m not sure I want to.”

  “Then don’t,” she whispers.

  We stare into each other’s eyes, and we both move simultaneously. My mouth covers hers. Her lips soft but cool from the night air. She moans as my tongue licks her bottom lip, and I pull her even closer. My arm tightens around her as her lips part, allowing me the access I need. My tongue doesn’t hesitate to slide inside, tangling with hers, and I feel the wetness, the warmth. Her arm moves across my stomach then up onto my chest, her fingers playing with my nipple, tucking, tweaking until I’m about to go crazy. My heart feels like it’s lodged in my throat.

  “God, Sadie, what you do to me,” I moan, my lips sliding from hers up the soft skin on her face until it reaches underneath her ear. “I’m sorry…. I can’t….” Her head tilts, her mouth finding mine again and I press harder against hers. Her lips part automatically and my tongue slides in, finding hers once again. We’re both breathless, panting, our chests heaving against each other’s. I move back a bit, my gaze not leaving hers. “I’ve waited all my life for you,” I whisper. Her mouth crashes against mine, her body moving until she’s straddling my lap. I feel her hands against my face, warmed from the blanket. My hand reaches up until her breast fills it. Shit! She’s not wearing a bra. I move my thumb over her nipple. It’s already tight, peaked. Is that from the coldness or am I doing that to her, making her body react that way?

  “Memphis,” she moans into my mouth as she wiggles on my lap, hitting my hard cock each time she moves.

  Damn, it’s been too long. I feel like I could lose it just from the contact. Realization hits me heavy. I grasp her arms, pushing her back a little, and look deeply into her lust filled eyes. “Darlin’, we’d better slow down. Not that I want to but I don’t want to do anything too fast. Not with you.”

  She smiles, a genuine smile, showin’ me she understands that maybe she feels the same. She climbs off my lap, taking her earlier position, but as close as she can into me. My arm wraps around her, holding her tight. “You’re right. I know. It’s just….” She looks up, her green eyes still darkened by her desire. “Difficult when I want you so badly.”

  “God, you have no idea.” I lean down and kiss the top of her head. Her hair is so much softer than I’d imagined. “Me too, darlin’. Me too.” She sighs and lays her head on my chest, my chin resting on top. “About Jag….” I couldn’t stop it. I need to know. Tell her my feelin’s and what I think.

  She looks up. “Jag means nothing to me, Memphis. Really. He’s just a cocky guy who is full of himself.” I breathe out in relief. “He’s not a man like you. Tender. Caring.” I kiss her forehead, a smile on my lips. “But he does have longer hair.” She giggles, and I look down with a smirk then turn quickly, releasing my hold. I start tickling her. “No! Stop! I give!” She laughs and about falls off the bench, but I catch her and bring her back into my arms.

  We sit there for what seems like a long time in silence, our breathing going back to normal. I finally look down and see her eyes batting, tryin’ to stay open. “Darlin’, you better head back and get some sleep. You look like you’re about to pass out.” I lean down and kiss her head and smile. “Don’t set your alarm. Sleep in for once.”

  She looks up at me, sleepily. “Are you sure? I don’t mind….” She yawns.

  “Shhhh,” I whisper, kissing her lips once more. “I’m sure. Slow and easy, remember? Now go. Do you need me to walk you back?”

  She stands, shaking off the blanket and smiles. “No. Thank you. I’ll be fine. It’s not like it’s that far.” She leans down, capturing my lips once more. It’s like we both don’t want it to end, don’t want to leave each other. But to me, it’s only just begun. I watch her walk into the door and out of my sight then hear my bedroom door shut. I look back out into the darkness, my heart fluttering in excitement with everything that just happened. I look up at the sky.

  “Thank you, God. And thank you, Ma and Pa for bringin’ her here. I know it was you, always lookin’
out for my happiness, makin’ sure I’m taken care of.”

  I stand up and walk into my bedroom, closing the door behind me and remove my jeans. After climbing in bed, I stare up at the ceiling, resting my head on my arm. Sleep is gonna be even harder to get now.

  My alarm goes off way too fast. I blink realizing I’d finally fallen asleep but didn’t get much of it. I shower, the hot water making me even more tired but feels great at the same time, brush my teeth and get dressed. I walk slowly downstairs, my boots feelin’ heavy. The smells of breakfast making me hungry as I walk into the dining room and sit in my chair. Everyone’s waiting to eat, except no Jag. I say grace and then we all start diggin’ in. The biscuits and gravy taste heavenly. I stab a piece of sausage and look up at Mac and Dallis. “Where’s Jag? Anyone know?”

  They both look up from their plates and shake their heads. “I thought he was already here when I came over,” Mac replies between chews.

  Dallis looks at me and swallows. “Where’s princess? You don’t think….”

  “No!” I shout, startling even myself. I clear my throat. “No. I told her last night to sleep in today. She deserves it.”

  Right then the front door opens and closes. Jag walks into the room and sits down, picks up his plate and starts pilin’ on the food. He sets it down, picks up his fork and starts eating. Silence. Tension. He looks up and around, fork full of food in his mouth. “What?” His question garbled.

  I open my mouth to speak but Mac steps in. “Uh, you’re just a tad late this mornin’. We were just wonderin’ where you were.” I watch him looking at Jag and can tell by his expression, he’s as leery of him as I am.

  Jag looks at me, a strange look on his face. “Oh, yeah. Well, I didn’t sleep well last night. There were noises outside that kept me awake.” Shit! Did he hear us? I didn’t think we were that loud.